I know how you feel. That is how I came to the conclusion that I can do more by talking to people one on one in person. I go out on the streets or into the malls when I make one of my infrequent trips to town and approach and talk to people. I think you may find this more rewarding as you may find a surprising number of people are waking up. I hope it is not too late to turn this crap around. We are making a difference. Keep fighting in any way you can. Peace to you.

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You're very kind, I do talk when able but my current context basically makes contact with anyone an unacceptable risk. Life in America is literally a toxic gamble.

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I understand. I am in Northern Canada where most people are still relatively civilized. The rare rudeness I encounter is from 35 - 50 year olds who have moved North for better work conditions. It's odd that they don't realize the thoughts and practices they bring with them are what has made such a mess of the lower reaches of the country. It's like the immigrant who comes here as a refugee and then wants things to be like they were where he came from. These two groups are the types that aren't willing to discuss things with you.

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That's an interesting observation. You put it well, implies a strong contradiction and cautionary tale. Reminds me of the line from ghost in the shell: "Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you." Of course 99% of bootstrap thinking in the real world is a scam. The game is rigged basically anywhere anyone ends up, such is the price we pay to allow banks to exist.

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I can relate, but I keep an image of hitting the tipping point firmly in My mind. I am getting more and more positive response and think that the point of tipping on Our favor is not far away...

We shall see, but I won't give up. My love for Humanity is too deep for that. Either We will succeed in freeing Humanity, or I will die knowing I did all I could,

Love always!

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For me it’s about the singularity. I know that MASSIVE AI driven change is coming and by definition we can’t know what’s after that point. My “hope” in that sense is invincible unless they can trick me into thinking it already happened, which would be a hard sell for me. My definitions are quite stringent in that context. Plus just instinct and habit. I may be miserable, but I’ma keep going for the foreseeable future.

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What leads You to think that AI will take over? Because I’m not seeing this…

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I think your state of mind seems most poignant and deep considering the exposures of the human conditions in Gaza, as well as other human enclaves where exposure to an audience is totally lacking. When we see nature in its rawest forms, we can't help but observe the unforgiving results of poor adaptations. I nature, as Darwin so eloquently exposed, it's a survival of the fittest agenda. Is it any wonder then that our own survival is based on that condition, with nuclear arsenals the ultimate result of competitive survival issues.? Can we overcome our propensity for war, and live in a different universe other than a survival universe? As Annie Jacobsen exposes in her latest book on nuclear war, we are only a few minutes, hours maybe, from the absolute destruction of everything humanity has ever done. Is it any wonder that such thoughts are depressing, and hopelessly wanting answers? The systematic killing of children in Gaza, and elsewhere by our species is unfortunately an indication that hope for humanity is pretty fleeting, if not 'gone' as you wrote.... I'm fairly certain more people than not share your feelings, as I do for one...

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I'm sure we share some, but not all the important ones. I'd be thrilled to be wrong though. Thanks for the kind words and your time spent reading.

Side note, fitness and dominance are separate things, I know you didn't explicitly mention it, but I feel like you might be making a common mistake. "Social Darwinism" for instance misunderstands Darwin. A lot of our social branding of wolves in the context of Darwin is actually about a limited study of chickens, hence "pecking order."

Darwin understand compassion and mutual aid better than most.

To better understand Darwin I like the following quote from someone else, from memory forgive me: "Selfish individuals do better than altruistic individuals within groups, altruistic groups do better than selfish groups, all else is commentary."

Cancer, cortex, and cultures. :)

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Although I read Darwin's theories many years ago, I don't recall reading about 'compassion' anywhere. The greatest thing about Darwin's theories was that he left the social baggage to readers imagination because his theories were mainly based on a survival of the fittest agenda in nature. In nature, one cannot be compassionate unless one is alive... and to be alive implies survival tactics... In nature, the meek do not inherit the Earth, but power does. The quote you mention was not from Darwin, and is therefore just an interpretation of human characteristics. Even in 'The Descent of Man', I don't believe Darwin drew any conclusions such as those elaborated by the 'someone' you mentioned above.

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/laughs in bee hive, and multi cellular life

Insects do compassion better than humans. Also there are some outright eusocial mammals, and proximates. Mole rats and prairie dogs. Also I know who I was quoting. My point is that I understand this in the larger context beyond the coffee table edgy tough guy wallstreet Ayn Rand formulation of Darwinism.

The obvious direction of evolution is merger. The future of unchecked life is space whales. (Or space crabs :P)

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Do consider...

Given We are indoctrinated from birth by the psychopaths with money, propagandized and lied to, the groups of Us groomed to create divides, and Our medicine, land, food, water, air, education, electromagnetic environment, and information flow have been deliberately degraded, I think it's a miracle any of Us "wake up." I have a very great amount of compassion for Our beset race here on Our planet.

And thus I work to free Humanity from the grips of the psychopaths in control.

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That’s a valid point, I think I’m an accident. I know how I occurred.

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I was taught to place probabilities of truth to data I receive based on how well they explain what I see... And adjust the probabilities as new data come along that better explain what I see. Most are taught to tag data as "true" or "false," and in doing so develop an attachment to things being being the way They tagged them.

Dad's approach, that He taught Me, has allowed Me to remain unattached and able to accept things even as I am horrified. Thus I likely see closer to the truth than Most...

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Well... considering there are two astronauts stuck in space for months instead of days, I think I would evolve into a 'crabby' species too... Ayn Rand believed 'Atlas Shrugged' , but rumor has it that HE also yawned at our attempt to understand .anything.......

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Have you dug into rat city vs rat park? It's interesting if you're into that kind of thing. Society design and such. Also recommend the anime teknolyze, (spelling), it takes place in an interesting setting, similar to the dystopian rat enclave.

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"Have you dug into rat city vs rat park"? No I haven't. Not to be coy, but I've tried to stay away from rats for a long time, but so far I've been unsuccessful in distinguishing the real thing from its Homo Sapiens clones. At least the real ones don't build nuclear arsenals.

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This is my first comment on your stack. Something inside of me is pushing me to explore your thoughts.

I found your site from a comment you made, from some stack I don't remember, about Dyson Spheres. - I love theoretical thinking - and as I recall I found some interesting thought there so I subscribed.

Since I subscribed I've read your pieces and find much of what you write rather haphazard, disconnected and rant like but the weird thing is I understand what you're trying to say... Isn't that strange? To me you seem to have a shotgun approach in expressing your thoughts. I would think your average reader would understand better if your thoughts were more focused and then illuminated with some unbiased link to good information. I hope you don't see this as negative criticism.

The above is just an observation from some entity posting on the Internet. Now, about Dyson Spheres. I find this a wonderful thought experiment and I've enjoyed it for years. Here's my current thinking: The Sphere would be constructed by a planetary civilization that must be advanced enough to design and construct something in space that encircles their sun and presumably their planet... No doubt it.

This is absurd in reality. To my thinking any advanced civilization that could construct the Sphere would also be far beyond any need to do so... All there needs would be resolved in some other way. This is my speculation of course.

I think that when astronomers scan the universe for Dyson Spheres they are just spending grant money and wasting their time.

I look forward to your future posts.

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I don't at all take offence, and you're absolutely right, my writing on that front is low effort because I don't have the spare mental energy to refine stuff. Feel free to make suggestions, or maybe we could even collaborate on purified/enhanced versions. I've always said that anyone who wants to help promote my work is entitled to half the proceeds. I'm not here for money or fame, I just want a comfy dignified existence with some wiggle room for longevity and toys/travel heh.

Dyson spheres make more sense as a cumulative thing, like you don't just build one all at once, you build one solar probe that profits your world so you build another until they are all touching. A dyson swarm, a dyson ring, and finally a dyson sphere.

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I rather think this is a free flow discussion kind of place... I like it.

I share your thoughts on the over time construction of the Sphere but, think about this, it would take a long time and a lot of material... Constructed very very far away. I guess it's possible but I think the construction of a Sphere by an advanced being is minutely small.

Additionally, others on your substack are inclined to think rather negatively about the future but a big piece of me wonders that we maybe are being played. Who knows where the truth is.

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I think distance is an arbitrary concept in more than a couple ways. A journey being a hassle or even a consideration depends on personal design factors ranging from sleep states to leg design to life span to mood.

And that's before travel technology and conditions and resources come into play.

There's a difference in distance when you're comparing a first class cabin with a long walk in cheap shoes.

If someone finds an energy expensive but fast way to travel in space dyson swarming stars might make sense. Also we've recently learned that some effects can be deeply powerful across intergalactic scales. Who knows what kind of energy demands are possible for some massive scale goals.

We're probably lucky the Fermi paradox is holding.

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Interesting. You may get more milage from a random thought than I do. So, Fermi and the paradox. This is the result of some theories and discussions between actual theoretical scientists and Fermi. I can imagine many individuals have had this discussion... Think the birth of the Drake Equation.

Here are my purely theoretical thoughts:

1.) All life on Earth (people, plants, animals, all of it) IS alien. Prior to some cosmic event the Earth was a failed, smodering piece of the Sun that cooled. No life.

2.) If you think about #1. above it proves that the origin of life exists elsewhere in the Universe and somehow came here. Is that proof of other advanced life? No.

3.) All observations of aireal phenomena are explainable and are not alien encounters... Think of the Earth as a sphere and the sky has an atmosphere that reflects light. There are no recovered space craft. This is about government distraction.

My thinking is that alien life is chemical and the beginning of life on Earth is a coincidence of those chemicals traveling through space (probably a comet) and arriving on Earth. If we understood the nature of the beginning of life we would be looking at the chemistry of the cosmos and not thinking of advanced life forms.

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I belIeve life originated elsewhere. It's moot to me regardless. As for Fermi, I'm leaning in the zoo/preserve/sim direction, but again I don't care much. My nature doesn't change my hedonic reality. I could handle being anything conceptually, so long as my hedonic prospects are improved or at least tolerable.

Ghost, alien, code, dream, hallucination, hairless monkey, divine whim, whatever.

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