I’m sure I’ll still write, but any sense of purpose beyond the direct moderation of feeling I get is well and truly gone.
Lets go down the list.
I do not profit in any way, the banker ecosystem is air tight now, there is no way to earn ethically as a subversive. Real subversives are feeding off old kills, there’s no way to build new in today’s world.
People cannot be reached individually. They have become herd and hive animals, both good and bad alike, evolution demands it. Banks are the cortex of planet earth, the rest of us are cells. The few of us that remain are encysted by poverty. If someone agrees with me, they already did and I’m just filling in the blanks.
Even winning entails becoming a new species anyway. Between the demands of deep time survival, space travel, and the catch 22 of our own reward circuit, escape means qualitative transformation.
The AI is coming to totally moot all arguments. The end of human history is so close its blotting out the sun.
If mass extermination, genocide, sham politics, and obvious economic enslavement aren’t enough to wake a person then they are hardwired for sleep.
If this isn’t speciation, I ask you, what would that look like?
I’m just running out the clock trying to secure a comfy bed for the singularity’s arrival. I’d be happy in a camper somewhere safe if my body didn’t rot out from under me.
I don’t know what else to say. I guess my own hope is fact proof.
I know how you feel. That is how I came to the conclusion that I can do more by talking to people one on one in person. I go out on the streets or into the malls when I make one of my infrequent trips to town and approach and talk to people. I think you may find this more rewarding as you may find a surprising number of people are waking up. I hope it is not too late to turn this crap around. We are making a difference. Keep fighting in any way you can. Peace to you.
I can relate, but I keep an image of hitting the tipping point firmly in My mind. I am getting more and more positive response and think that the point of tipping on Our favor is not far away...
We shall see, but I won't give up. My love for Humanity is too deep for that. Either We will succeed in freeing Humanity, or I will die knowing I did all I could,
Love always!