Humans have a long history of defending their own enslavement. And it’s almost trivially easy to get people to contribute to their own torment and exploitation if it’s a few steps removed. Also people get attached at an ego level. Whatever it is we do becomes a psychological component of who we are very quickly.
I think this is in part because our conscious mind only works well if it think its in charge but in reality it isn’t. At any moment it can be overruled and beyond that it’s thinking is controlled by emotions. Our limbic system completely controls our consciousness in every practical sense. Wirehead rat studies prove that for me because we’ve even narrowed down which part. The reward system.
We’ve evolved to fool ourselves, and that left open a gaping hole for being fooled. As a result huge segments of humanity, and collectively a vast majority, have been turned into what Root called bad code. Ranging from malicious to incompetent but all fundamentally, profitably to the bank, wrong in some critical, often arrogant self serving way. Billions of people pissing in the wind trying to douse strangers, and mostly getting the job done and blaming other strangers on the splash back.
So when I encounter these groups I in some cases eagerly await AI knocking the bottom out of their respective markets.
This post is not gonna make me any friends but I should be honest. Given how I feel about the church of intellectual property law and other banking tent poles, it all follows logically, but I know I will sound like a real curmudgeon here. But hey, if the shoe fits, you know? Anyway.
“Musicians” have needed to go for a very long time. Where to begin? Lets start with corporate rock. When formulaic cash grabbing is no longer possible because competent bland pop will be available on tap from any laptop, there will be no reason to build another boy band or pg13 stripper singing soft phone sex and labor hymns for mass consumption. /looking at “taytay” et al here.
Everyone knows at least 90% of what’s wrong with music, even if they are a fan of some other toxic part. And I am happy that 99% of the workers in that mind (and body) raping industry will be laid off soon. It can’t happen soon enough in my opinion.
Paid artists, happy to deploy their talents to make everything corporate need to go also. These people have been using real artists as human shields for decades. Dressing up their collaboration in the trappings of real for the love of it art to hide the fact that they are basically just sellouts. All the for-profit art needs to be automated so we can as a society reject it entirely.
I feel the need to include here that I don’t want people to be homeless or even uncomfortable. This is not sadism, it’s the opposite. The art in both the above cases viciously hurts people so that a handful can be rich, and I am not even talking about the celebrities. I’m as always talking about the banks. But maybe people would finally start fighting against the shared enemy if the paychecks started bouncing.
I am technically homeless. I am a charity case. My possessions fit in a backpack and a carry on. My life is the absolute ground floor of what I would ever subject anyone too, and if I had my way it would be 20 floors below what should be applied to anyone. This isn’t some revenge fantasy. Though there is undeniable schadenfreude that comes with the idea of watching toxic people being shunted into less toxic lives. Thinking of Gabe having to give up his fleet of yachts for instance.
Which brings me to coders. There is a group I am especially eager to see obviated. Coders.
AI is going to replace operating systems and applications. Soon that whole layer of software will become akin to machine code as agent AI just completely replaces user interface for 99% of tasks. Think about how billionaires use computers. They have staff to make every annoying part of it external. Agent AI will do that for everyone. And I am absolutely here for it. I have been the computer kid my whole life. I was the first ISP customer in my town. I had a dedicated second phone line just for the modem. This is part and parcel of my identity and I’m still saying it needs to go.
Too many people prop it up to keep their clout and cash. I guess I never had the need to make myself look smart, though I was constantly accused of this. I just did it naturally, at least in past eras, before smart and rich were so deeply socially conflated, but I see a lot of people still being tech hipsters basically, especially in the linux FOSS crowd. People propping up the trappings and protocol of elitist tech support because they like their pecking order within it. And I am eager for the entire bandwidth of tutorial writing/following to be obviated.
Computers in that sense should be like in star trek. No tinkering needed, and what tinkering remains is low level hardware, intentional hobbyist, or holodeck/conceptual. Basically it should all “just work.” Mathematics over arithmetic. I am tired of social protocol and duplication of effort. Respect should be paid to the fact that we’re all burning finite lifespan. It should be DEEPLY rude to waste people’s limited lifetime.
Anyway, this has taken too long to write and I’m done for now. Publishing as is.
See also:
You forgot to mention professional sports. Grown men playing children's games and getting paid obscene amounts of money for it. People painting themselves to express their mindless adoration for this bizarre spectacle paying obscene amounts for the sweater of their favorite grown child actor in this ridiculous show. It is the same strategy that the Roman Empire used with their shows of human degradation to focus attention away from their debauchery. Imagine being so programmed that you would go cheer on some poor soul being shredded by lions or one man disemboweling another and not being appalled at the act. This is where we are at today and so few see it. AI lacks emotion and if the powers that be get their way the whole human race will also lack emotion and thus will be easily programmable without having any qualms. I wish you well.
Interesting vision. A couple of thoughts.
One we aren’t going to get there with current LLMs which are closer to a gimick than a tool.
There will have to be a role for real art made by humans that plumbs the depths of the soul.
I am going to write up something about this I am going to call Luxury Space Craft Guildism as to be opposed to and yet also somewhat mirror Luxury Space Communism. My vision is more bottom up and has more room for rural people.