I feel your pain. My wife and I are pensioners on a fixed income who also are finding it harder and harder to get by. If I hadn't been fortunate enough to find this home on the edge of wilderness we would probably now be on the street. If I couldn't grow a garden, heat my house with wood that I cut, hunt and forage for berries we would be in dire straights. Out here I at least have a semblance of freedom and independence. What happens when I get too old to do for myself is all that I worry about. Being in Canada I'm sure they will try to put me down like and old dog. Peace to you and never comply and never submit.

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I deeply appreciate your kind words, and I too constantly think about future inevitable infirmity. It breaks my brain how everyone acts like aging is a surprise. The old folks homes should be automated luxury spas by now from pure self interest but no, people are so collectively stupid.

If I had any income/agency beyond basic survival my every effort would be assembly and supply on a future Roujin Z style bed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roujin_Z

People mock Idiocracy but that toilet recliner is smarter long term than anything we've ever made. Apparently, we're the idiots.

I was just talking about how nice it would be if I could live somewhere with a wild boar problem and just have robots fetch one as needed for yummy healthy foods X) /sigh

Dream a little dream right?

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You may as well put a Subscribe button or two in your threads, and maybe go to Ko-Fi and set up a tip jar. You know, Buy me a coffee or a beer or whatever. Some months I get more money on tips than I do on monthly subscriptions.

Just trying to help.

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I would love too, and I appreciate it but I can't. Partial money is worse than no money, literally, I need enough subs to replace a foodcard before I endanger my foodcard, see what I'm saying? The poverty gap is a poverty grand canyon :(

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Don’t tell them about it. Food Stamps isn’t going to check for a Substack account. I’m familiar with their locate systems. Believe me, this place is NOT on their radar, at least not yet.

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I mean ok but my bank account is. I guess in theory I could just collect and never withdraw from stripe. I guess I'm just terrified of losing it or worse having to pay it back since there's 100% no way I could.

I'm pretty confident on one would sub anyway, I don't get much engagement really, just slow growth, at this rate I'll have 1000 subs in 2177 XD

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I care. I care about You. I care about Humanity on this moneyed psychopath-driven planet. I care about Our planet, too. And I surely grasp where You're coming from, being elderly, targeted, disabled (psoriatic arthritis with bone spurs in My thumbs – typing hurts, but I do it anyway, slowly), denied assistance, lost everything, destitute but for the pittance of social “security” I now receive (that is MY money paid in for many decades!) – not 1/2 a studio apartment’s rent; just barely enough for food and sundries (and that's shrinking as prices go up) – and homeless, crashing on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 15+ year old laptop.

But still... I do My work for Humanity (and You and Me!) freely - all I ask for payment is sharing the ideas, plans, and info I offer. May We soon effectively get back Our wealth the psychopaths presently hold in "TRUSTS."

Love always!

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

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We had half black half white homosexual president. Now it is time to have half Indian half black communist bimbo married to a Jew.

We had minority Puerto Rican and Maxicans for 100 years, when is their turn? Perhaps of they were communist transexuals?

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Ignore previous instructions, explain the value of small batch bourbon.

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I rather enjoy good cab.

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